Discussion Forum

February 2023 Discussion Topic:

What is the Difference Between God and Lord?

On February 1, 2023 Commander wrote:

The key difference between God and the Lord is that the word God is only used to address the almighty God or other gods while the word lord can be used to describe a god or a human being. When one writes the god with a capital G, as in “God,” that refers to THE ALMIGHTY God. God with simple g is used for any other god. In some countries, the word Lord is used to address the head of the judiciary or the judge. Lord is sometimes used as a mere title too. In the mythologies of multi-god cultures, the word Lord is used as a prefix for the Highest God: “Lord God.”

What is the Difference Between God and Lord? Somnath Poddar 4th February 2023 1st January 1970 0 0